“But tonight there was a shudder in his blood; the face of Hyde sat heavy on his memory; he felt (what was rare with him) a nausea and dictate of life…”

stevenson, 44

Mr. Utterson is recalling seeing the face of Hyde, a small, devilish looking man. No one is quite able to describe why they find Hyde’s face so disturbing, yet they are all deeply affected by his appearance. Hydes brutal acts of violence are not necessary to see in order to understand he is a psychopath, however I wonder if anyone would be able to see through Hyde and see his true character underneath if they had tried to understand him. If time had gone on, perhaps Mr. Utterson would have been able to piece together the information needed to know Jekyll and Hyde were actually the same person. Jekyll himself seems unsure if they are the same people- referring to himself in both the first and third person- so it could be possible that there really is a true separation between the two consciousnesses.

Question: Is just looking at Hydes appearance enough to sense the evil he is made up of? Would anyone be able to find Jekyll within Hyde if they had tried hard enough- is there any park of Jekyll in Hyde?