I looked at  Mariahs, Olivia’s, and Evelyn’s sites- all of which included ways that Dracula incorporated the fears of people living in the Victorian ages, especially when it comes to distinguishing science from folklore. Mariah’s entry included some wonderful images and source material for Dracula, including drawings of the setting where it took place. Looking at images of how Transylvania looked when this story takes place makes it easy to see why it is an excellent background for a horror novel.Olivia and Evelyn both brought up how vampires had begun to have more of a sensual nature after this novel, being romanticized often more than made a monster. This is especially apparent when we look at film adaptations of the novel- even the posters main focus is the girls and not Dracula! We have seen this if we look at many contemporary versions of novels we have read in this class, especially in film and television. All of the remakes have completely sensualized the storyline making it stray from the tragic stories they are meant to be. Why do producers feel the need to sexualize these novels instead of make them as they were supposed to be- true horror?