Dr, Seward-

“Strange and sudden change in Renfield last night. About eight o’clock he began to get excited and to sniff about as a dog does when setting”

“For half an hour or more Renfield kept keeping excited in greater and greater degree.”


“I am here to do your bidding, Master. I am Your slave, and You will reward me, for I shall be faithful.”

Sheeley (pg 84-86)

At the time, Renfield is a patient of Dr. Seward who is observed eating flies, spiders, and birds. While it is clear he has some connection to Dracula it is unsure of how. Able to detect his ‘master,’ Renfield escapes to Carfax in an attempt to reach Dracula. This behavior is much different from all other characters who have been under Dracula’s control such as Jonathan and Lucy. Even after Lucy was fully transformed into a vampire she would capture children to satisfy her hunger unlike Renfield who only eats small creatures. Jonathan Harker does not exhibit these behaviors either despite being held captive by Dracula for a long period of time. The strange behavior of Renfield makes me wonder why he acts the way he does. Did Dracula put him in some sort of trance at some point? If so- how, and why not the other characters? What is it that makes Renfield deserving of these different circumstances?