Looking at the entries of Gina, Evelyn, and Olivia it seemed as though everyone was digging in deeper to the inspirations of the novel. Gina posted a few reviews that included the changing views of monsters and the unnatural during Victorian times and their struggle to acknowledge it. The topic of the New Woman was also brought up and how Stoker may have used Dracula as a way to attack this concept with his portrayal of Lucy and her forward thinking ideas. A picture of Slains castle believed to be inspiration for the novel was also pictured, which I related to a quote from Evelyn’s post which stated “Nowhere else in Europe of 1897 could provide a more fertile breeding ground for the undead than the Count’s homeland.” Several other students’ entries included imagery of Transylvanian castles and towns, expressing the importance of background setting for a story. In Olivia’s entry, she included a commentary that stated how Stoker gathered his primary information of Transylvanian folklore from Emily de Laszowska Gerard’s 1885 essay ‘Transylvanian Superstitions’. In the commentary, it explains the importance of superstition in the area- “First, there is what may be called the indigenous superstition of the country, the scenery of which is peculiarly adapted to serve as background to all sorts of supernatural beings and monsters.” It is clear that Stoker did extensive research before writing this novel and ensuring the setting was perfect. I wonder how the story would have changed if it had been in a different location. How different would the story be and would it have made the impact that it did?