Through the use of a commonplace book, one can compile a set of quotes, images, or anything else that inspires them to save that depiction. This collection of entries can say a lot about the author as they select what interests them the most at that time in their life.

According to Tom Standage-

[T]he practice of maintaining a commonplace book and exchanging texts with others also served as a form of self-definition: which poems or aphorisms you chose to copy into your book or to pass on to your correspondents said a lot about you, and the book as a whole was a reflection of your character and personality.”

Tom Standage

The entries in my commonplace book follow the ideas similar to those of Standage, as I saw the content of my entries stayed fairly constant throughout the semester. I regularly posted or researched media images that helped me to envision what life was like during the time these novels took place. Through the use of paintings, reviews, and images from the Victorian ages, I was able to get a better understanding of the concepts within each novel. Being more of a visual learner, I enjoyed being able to include what aspects of each story I was inspired most by through the use of pictures and contextual imagery. If I were to continue my commonplace entries however, I suspect I would see a pattern that relates more to the observations of Kelsey McKinney.

In our pursuit of knowledge, we often desire a traceable path in our growth. For our ancestors and a select few modern writers, commonplace books provided a way to look back through past developments and brainstorm new experiences.”

kelsey mckinney

I believe that this observation of commonplace books would be more apparent over longer periods of time when there is more time for personal growth. I currently see my commonplace entries as being an expression of how I learn best. Completing this book propelled me to research these novels through more critical, deep thinking, which in turn allowed me and other students to have a more complete understanding of the underlying messages and concepts within each story.

When looking over the entries in my commonplace book, I noticed most of them include original reviews from when the novels had first come out. After learning about life during the Victorian ages, it’s not surprising to see that most of these now beloved stories were once not so loved by their original audience. In my first posts, I entered some of the ideas as to why the Victorians disapproved of the monstrous.

As an Animal Behavior major, I was vastly intrigued by how the early views of psychology and science shaped Victorian perceptions. Our understanding of science allows us now to clearly distinguish fact from fiction- however this line was not always clear. Views on human psychology used to be quite diminishing, and mental health was not generally acknowledged. The lack of scientific knowledge combined with the social conflicts of the time made these new ideas scary, and many were unwilling to accept that what they had believed all their lives could be wrong. In my latest post, I quote the original preface to Dracula which was removed by the editor immediately upon reading the manuscript.

I am quite convinced that there is no doubt whatever that the events here described really took place, however unbelievable and incomprehensible they might appear at first sight. And I am further convinced that they must always remain to some extent incomprehensible

Brahm stoker

According to TIME, the impact of presenting the story as true, especially as Jack the Ripper had just recently performed the Whitechapel murders, had the potential to cause mass hysteria.Although they originally may have received many disappointing reviews, the monstrous novels of the Victorian era have left an enormous impact on today’s society. Although we may ridicule what they used to believe, the stories told can still teach us valuable life lessons. They all teach us to consider who, or what, a monster really is. The media and film industry are still to this day recreating these stories and producing spinoffs almost yearly. During research for my commonplace entry for The Beetle, I was drawn into blogs that reviewed all of the early horror films (1920’s) which included versions of nearly all the novels we have read for this course. The significance of the subject is clear, as the production of these stories continue to capture our interest even after hundreds of years. The impact of the media will keep these monsters alive forever.

I believe that completing these commonplace entries has allowed me to gain a greater contextual understanding of the novels. Whether it was seeing what inspired the authors physically (paintings, pictures, locations…etc) or the social movements they were experiencing (science vs religion, women’s liberation, seperation of classes…etc). Recognising these, I was able to have a greater appreciation for the characters and their story with a deeper understanding of the issues they face. Researching the primary literature from the time period is an excellent way to grasp the concepts that are now foreign to us, and inspire additions to my entries that go deeper into the issues being faced during this time and how they influenced the way the novel was written.